LifeSign 9.3

German Horoscope Software

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41 years of

Software in
12 languages

Over 9 million

Used in over
170 countries

gayatridevi "The digital avatars of Jyotisha powered by Astro-Vision have spread awareness and are ideal to today's fast paced life..."

CVBSubrahmanyam "In older days, without checking panchangam, people didn't even stepped out of their homes. But in today's world..."

KanippayyurNamboodiripad "Astro-Vision Futuretech is the number one company providing astrological reports, which are very accurate..."

narayanan "I have been using Astro-Vision mobile application for the past two years. It is very simple, useful and accurate..."

LifeSign 9.3 Benefits

Astro-Vision's LifeSign 9.3 creates boundless vedic astrology horoscope reports, offering chance to make an encompassing investigation in horoscope and covers even the diminutive details of vedic astrology. LifeSign 9.3 possesses high respect for the exactness and authenticity it keeps up .The software permits unlimited number of horoscope reports in German Language.

A Business Opportunity

Astro-Vision LifeSign 9.3 gives you a potential business opportunity at least cost and offices. It will be one time investment, giving long lasting wellspring of pay.

Quick earning at lesser investment

A business utilizing LifeSign 9.3 requests no additional offices or preparing, and you can begin procuring money from the very beginning, giving point by point horoscope reports to your clients.


Astro-Vision LifeSign 9.3 keeps up high precision in foresee your future that serves to give credible forecast reports and to win the trust of clients.


LifeSign 9.3 creates an assortment of reports meeting the differing prerequisites of your clients. The product can create extensive horoscope reports and in addition customized reports according to the clients' requests.

Reports in German Language

LifeSign 9.3 provides report in German Language.

Customized Reports

LifeSign 9.3 gives you a chance to modify horoscope reports as single page reports, detailed reports, reports with charts and calculations etc.

Reports in territorial styles

Astro-Vision LifeSign 9.3 gives options of territorial chart styles viz. North Indian, South Indian, Kerala, Bengali and Srilankan, which gives you a chance to produce reports according to territorial or individual prerequisites.

Simple to utilize

You don't have to have Vedic Astrology knowledge for utilizing Astro-Vision LifeSign 9.3. The User Interface is so basic and instinctive that you can start without much of stretches begin producing reports.

Great after-sales support

Astro-Vision provides free support through email and phone. We have wide system of branches, merchants and wholesalers to contact you in time and give backing to the product utilization.

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LifeSign 9.3 Features

  • Bhava Predictions
  • Effects of Dasa/Apahara
  • Paryanthardasa & Vimshottari Dasa
  • Transit Predictions
  • Yogas
  • Birth Star and associated qualities
  • Calculations such as Sayana and Nirayana Longitude of Planets
  • Charts
  • Shodashvarga Table
  • Planetary Analysis
  • Large Database of Cities
  • Nazhika/Ghati Convertor
  • Ayanamsa Options

LifeSign 9.3 Detailed Features

Bhava Predictions

This software produces Bhava predictions in light of the impact of planets in life and character. It covers analysis of every house viz.

  • First house - for predictions on personality, physical structure, status.
  • Fourth house - for predictions on property, education, etc.
  • Ninth house - for predictions on fortune, prosperity, inheritance, etc.
  • Planets in other houses

Effects of Dasa/Apahara

LifeSign 9.3 gives point by point reports in light of the impacts of Dasa and Apahara (Bhukti), including the arambha, antya and timeline of each apahara inside of each dasa.The report starts with effect of current dasa and predictions on apahara are given for 25 years.

Paryanthardasa & Vimshottari Dasa

Details of the Paryanthardasa within Apahara and summary of Vimshottari Dasa Periods are also provided by this astrology software.

Transit Predictions

LifeSign 9.3 helps users to foresee their future. The product gives transit forecast which analyzes the present position of planets and those in the natal chart to give covers their immediate future.


This astrology software recognizes the particular blend of planets that result in Yogas. It gives the rundown of conceivable yogas and their effects.

Birth Star and associated qualities

LifeSign 9.3 calculates the birth star and gives a point by point analysis of its qualities that can be found in the native’s character and life.

Calculations such as Sayana and Nirayana Longitude of Planets

LifeSign 9.3 makes Vedic Astrology based calculations including nirayana longitude of the planets, the rasi, longitude in the rasi, star pada etc. The Star, star lord, sub lord and sub-sub lord are also calculated for each planet. Dasa, dasa balance, rasi chart, navamsa chart, bhava chart and bhava table are also provided.


This Astro-Vision software can provide innumerous astrology charts - Rasi chart, Hora chart, Upagraha Chart, Drekkana chart, Chaturthamsa chart, Saptamsa chart, Navamsa chart, Dasamsa chart, Dwadasamsa chart, Shodasamsa chart, Vimsamsa chart, Chatur Vimsamsa chart, Bhamsa chart, Trimsamsa chart, Khavedamsa chart, Akshavedamsa chart, Shashtiamsa chart, Ashtakavarga Charts and Tables.

Shodashvarga Table

LifeSign 9.3 readies the shodashvarga table and ascertains its qualities. The product additionally computes rulers of the shodasa varga and presents it in a chart.

Planetary Analysis

LifeSign 9.3 provides a detailed planetary analysis including planetary disposition, planetary friendship, planetary strengths, Kuja Dosha Check, Check for Moudhyam (combustion), planetary war, Garbhavastha etc.

Extensive Database of Cities

The software has an in-built database of cities all over the world, so that you don’t have to enter latitude, longitude and time zones of cities for the purpose generating horoscope.

Nazhika/Ghati Convertor

This tool helps you change over the old nazhika system of time to the hour system.

Ayanamsa Options

LifeSign 9.3 gives you a chance to set the favored ayanamsa - ayanamsa choices available are

  • Chitra Paksha ayanamsa or Lahiri ayanamsa
  • Raman ayanamsa
  • Krishnamurthy ayanamsa
  • Thirukanitham ayanamsa.
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System Requirements

Operating system: Windows 7, 8, 10 - 32 bit, minimum 256 MB RAM & 100 MB HDD space

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AstroSuite 2.0

This astrology software suite is a combination of 8 different astrology software products, ideal for business users.

This Astrology Software Suite Contains:

  • Lifesign 14.0
  • SoulMate 11.0
  • GemFinder 11.0
  • YearGuide 3.0
  • DigiTell 9.0
  • Namefinder 1.1
  • PanchaPakshi 1.0
  • StarClock VX 2.0

English + Malayalam + Tamil + Telugu + Kannada + Hindi + Marathi + Bengali + Sinhala*

*Some software are available in fewer languages.

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StarClock ME Ultimate

This mobile astrology software includes Horoscope Matching,Prasna, Muhurtha and lots more. Available in Android and Java.

Key Features:

  • Multi-lingual interface and reports
  • Detailed Marriage matching
  • Calculations and charts for any date and time
  • Save and retrieve birth data of individuals
  • PDF conversion of reports
  • Compatible with all android mobiles

English + Hindi + Telugu + Tamil + Marathi + Kannada + Malayalam

*Requires Android 2.2 & above

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Gayatri Devi Vasudev


“The digital avatars of Jyotisha powered by Astro-Vision have spread awareness and are ideal to today's fast paced life...”

M V Naranarayanan


“I have been using Astro-Vision mobile application for the past two years. It is very simple, useful and accurate...”

Dolly Manghat


"I am a regular user of your Astro-Vision software ever since you started, because I found it to be the most authentic, dependable..."

Dhaval Trivedi


"As a fresh user of Astro-Vision software ever since I started, I found it the most authenticate, reliable and ease to handle."

Dr.C.V.B. Subrahmanyam


“In older days, without checking panchangam, people didn't even stepped out of their homes. But in today's world...”

Kanippayyur Namboodiripad


“Astro-Vision Futuretech is the number one company providing astrological reports, which are very accurate...”

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Get the most comprehensive set of Astrology Software Suite covering all branches of Vedic astrology like Horoscope with remedies, Marriage Matching, Gem Recommendation, Panchanga, Muhurtha and many more. Used by astrologers all over the world. An ideal package to start your astrology service right now!
