Gayatri Devi Vasudev

“The digital avatars of Jyotisha powered by Astro-Vision have spread awareness and are ideal to today's fast paced life...”
LifeSign 14.0 provides horoscope reports with inclusive calculations, predictions and remedies. It can let you generate reports in a variety of formats to meet the specific requirements of your customers. The software has more than 10,000 satisfied users which include astrologers, astrology centres and business centres (Internet cafes, STD /PCO booths, Xerox centres, Marriage bureaus etc.).
Provides Panchanga predictions based on weekday, nakshatra, thithi, karana and nithya yoga
Analyses the 12 bhavas in birth chart to give predictions on various aspects - personality, family, career, wealth, health, marriage etc.
Details of dasas & apaharas and predictions based on that. Provides remedies for the ill effects of dasas/apaharas too.
Predictions on apaharas will be provided for 25 years; so also for the paryanthardasas within each apaharas.
Predictions on near future by comparing the present positions of planets with that in the birth chart.
Calculates birth star and gives it features & remedies.
Checks for Kuja doshas & suggests remedies if any.
Analyse birth chart for Rahu & Ketu doshas and suggests remedies.
Finds out the specific combinations of planets causing the yogas and gives its effects on life.
Points out the favourable periods for Career, Marriage, House Construction, Business etc.
Generates ashtakavarga chart and gives predictions based on that system.
Provides Rasi chart, Hora chart, Upagraha chart , Drekkana chart, Chaturthamsa chart, Saptamsa chart, Navamsa chart and various other charts & tables.
Shodashvarga Table, its values and the lords of shodashvarga
Calculations including the sayana and nirayana longitude of the planets, the rasi, the longitude in the rasi, the star, star lord, sub lord, sub-sub lord etc.
Planetary disposition, planetary friendship, planetary strengths, moudhyam, planetary war, grahavastha etc.
Transit of Jupiter through various houses, starting and ending timings and their effects on life.
Calculation of vargottama, barga bheda values and varga bheda tables.
Jaimini karakas, jaimini padas & aruda chakra.
Chitra Paksha/Lahiri ayanamsa, Raman ayanamsa, Krishnamurthy ayanamsa & Thirukanitham ayanamsa.
Nazhika to Hour converter for easy cross-reference.
Large inbuilt database of cities around the world (their longitudes, latitudes and time zones).
Operating system: Windows 7, 8, 10 - 32 & 64 bit, minimum 256 MB RAM & 100 MB HDD space
AstroSuite 2.0 - Astrology Software Suite for Business Users
AstroPack 1.0 - Astrology Software for Astrologers
Netdirect - Online Astrology Center for Business Users
SoulMate 9.0 - Horoscope Matching Software for Personal Users
This astrology software suite is a combination of 8 different astrology software products, ideal for business users.
*Some software are available in fewer languages.
This professional panchanga & muhurtha software provides detailed horoscope calculations for astrologers.